Island Demeter is a fake as fuck podcast network.

Active Podcasts

Island Demeter is an actual play podcast about critical play and queer bonhomie.

on the Matter of Systems is a tabletop roleplaying show where every month your hosts will critically engage with some RPG theory and some RPG design.

No! No Buzz is a just bees book club. It’s not really related and you can’t watch it unless you’re a 🐝.

Defunct Pods

Reading Games: A Personal Critical Canon is a defunct podcast where Bee talked about some games writing that meant a lot to them personally. They lost the list when Storify died & they nuked all their tweets.

Thoughts About the Table is a defunct podcast where Bee responded to episodes of COUNTER/Weight and Marielda in a very scattershot way for an audience of one.

About Bee

Here’s some things about 🐝