Thoughts about the Table 4: Marielda 4: The Crosstown Job Pt. 2

Thoughts About the Table
Thoughts About the Table
Thoughts about the Table 4: Marielda 4: The Crosstown Job Pt. 2

Thoughts about The Crosstown Job Pt. 2, recorded into Google Recorder as I go about my day(s).


Thoughts about the Table 3: Marielda 3: The Crosstown Job Pt. 1

Thoughts About the Table
Thoughts About the Table
Thoughts about the Table 3: Marielda 3: The Crosstown Job Pt. 1

Thoughts about The Crosstown Job Pt. 1, recorded into Google Recorder as I listen and go about my day(s)


Thoughts about the Table 2: Marielda 2: The City of Light Pt. 2

Thoughts About the Table
Thoughts About the Table
Thoughts about the Table 2: Marielda 2: The City of Light Pt. 2

Thoughts about The City of Light Pt. 2, recorded into Google Recorder as I listen and go about my day(s)


Thoughts about the Table 1: Marielda 1: The City of Light Pt. 1

Thoughts About the Table
Thoughts About the Table
Thoughts about the Table 1: Marielda 1: The City of Light Pt. 1

Thoughts about The City of Light Pt. 1, recorded into Google Recorder as I go about my day(s).


Bonus: Season 1 Trailer & Season 2 Teaser

Island Demeter
Island Demeter
Bonus: Season 1 Trailer & Season 2 Teaser

This is a collection of clips from each game in season one, highlighting Island Demeter’s goal of showcasing critical play and queer bonhomie. Table talk and critical appraisal stand side by side with jokes and serious, emotionally charged storytelling. Because that’s what we do.

Around 26 minutes and 20 seconds into this (after a bit of silence), there’s also some brand new material: a bit of opening narration from the first game recorded for season 2, which is going to have more traditional GMing and campaign work that shines some light on the world(s) that season 1 implied.

Tiffany Takashi’s IKEA Limbo (s01e13)

Island Demeter
Island Demeter
Tiffany Takashi's IKEA Limbo (s01e13)

We finish out season 1 with Home by Anders Kleiman. Darius Rose, Tiffany Takashi, Orletta Sam and Tyler Liv all live together in a nice house. But everyone is hiding a secret.

(The secret is that we all are living in different genre archetypes. It’s goofy.)

This time, Bee is joined by Keishi, L and Sil.

Podcast art by Floppydisko. Music by A Truly Blonde Child.

Diamond Bugs and Cloud Kittens (s01e12)

Diamond Bugs and Cloud Kittens (s01e12)

Bee and Sharmi play Together Among the Stars by Takuma Okada, and they just kind of chill.

Bella, with an Excellent Manicure (s01e11)

Island Demeter
Island Demeter
Bella, with an Excellent Manicure (s01e11)

Erasure by angrynerdgirl is a game about queer assimilation into cis hetero patriarchy, and this episode includes some pretty frank discussions of dissociation and gender dysphoria, out of character. It’s also got a lot of jokes. Take care of yourself.

This time, Bee is joined by Adam and Ricky.

Cover art by Floppydisko. Music by A Truly Blonde Child.

Nonym Learns to Mourn (s01e10)

Island Demeter
Island Demeter
Nonym Learns to Mourn (s01e10)

Alone Among the Stars by Takuma Okada seems to have inspired a slew of single player RPGs, so I wanted to give it a try. I really, really liked it.

Nonym (because I forgot to give them one during the recording) strikes off from their interstellar mapping culture to explore a universe where planets break free of stellar gravity regularly, to make their own additions to the map.

This time, Bee is alone.

Cover art by Floppydisko. Music by A Truly Blonde Child.

Pil & Berrigan Meet the Kry Twins (s01e09)

Island Demeter
Island Demeter
Pil & Berrigan Meet the Kry Twins (s01e09)

Role Over Play Dead‘s Ech0 is a game where a bunch of kids bother a long-dead mech pilot, so we figured Pil (from Pil, Who Forgets) should get some more screentime. Plus John Luca (10), Berrigan Omatose (9), Zip (9) and the Kry twins, Marvin and Roger (4).

This time, Bee is joined by Adam, Duckie, Ricky, Sharmi and Sil.

Cover art by Floppydisko. Music by A Truly Blonde Child.