We play cosmiqueers in You’ll Find a Rainbow by Riverhouse Games. This might be the truth of Island Demeter: grappling with a system, and finding the full joy of being in it.
This time, Bee is joined by Ricky and Sil.
Cover art by Floppydisko. Music by A Truly Blonde Child.
Adam, Bee, Ricky & Sil finish up the last half-century of Anthony’s reign in Moss Creeps, Stone Crumbles. Listen. It’s a fucking mess here. It’s mostly just shooting the shit. Pictures in description.
For our second Mechs Into Plowshares game (still by Anomalous Entertainment Co.), we play the Two-Player variant by Collin Babcock.
Bee plays the authoritarian voice of the rules and Ricky plays Pil, an infantry pilot in a dystopian fascist world who loves their dancing mech and their mom, and hates their fascist overlords.
This time, Bee is joined by Ricky.
Cover art by Floppydisko. Music by A Truly Blonde Child.
Adam, Bee and Ricky play Moss Creeps, Stone Crumbles by Adam Roy, a cozy game about a grove. Ostensibly. We may have made some … decisions. Part 2 will be Episode 7 of Season 1.
Mechs into Plowshares by Anomalous Entertainment Co. is the first solo game of the season. Berrigan farms and things go great.
This time, Bee plays by themself.
Cover art by Floppydisko. Music by A Truly Blonde Child.
In our second Actual Play, we run Take My Revolution by Jamila R. Nedjadi of Sword Queen Games. Nasturtium “Terry” Flo, Brinn Talon, Cake Severin, Eben Severin, Poppy Smith and Qualia L pursue their individual revolutions. Mostly by wandering around a magical high school and hitting on Poppy.
This time, Bee is joined by BW, L, Ricky, Sil and Sorrel.
Cover art by Floppydisko. Music by A Truly Blonde Child.
In our first proper Actual Play, we run Tiny Stories by momatoes to tell the story of Praxis, a dude who really just wants to chill even though he is living the same day over and over.
This episode was recorded in April of 2020, so those debate jokes are about the primaries š³.
This time, Bee is joined by Adam, Jenna, Keishi, Ricky, Rodrigo and Sharmi.
Cover art by Floppydisko. Music by A Truly Blonde Child.
Island Demeter Season 1 kicks off with a group of us chatting about our histories playing tabletop roleplaying games. We then go on to talk briefly about each of the games that will get played over the course of this season.
This time, Bee is joined by Keishi, Ricky, Sharmi, and Sil.
Cover art by Floppydisko. Music by A Truly Blonde Child.
Article Discussed:
A Review of Peter Jackson’s King Kong
Zolani Stewart
“Yarn Ball” from Love ZZZV.
Support Zan-zan-zawa-veia at https://www.patreon.com/zzzv. Find more of Zan’s work at https://zan-zan-zawa-veia.bandcamp.com, http://aanaaanaaanaaana.net/ & https://twitter.com/zanzanzawa
Other Links:
ZEALĀ https://medium.com/mammon-machine-zeal
Reading Games episode 2Ā https://islanddemeter.com/podcast/rg02/
Robin James on Laura Mulvey “without all the psychoanalytic theory” https://www.its-her-factory.com/2016/10/mulveys-visual-pleasure-narrative-cinema-without-all-the-psychoanalytic-theory/
Kitty Horrorshow’s work https://kittyhorrorshow.itch.io/
Connor Sherlock’s work https://connor-sherlock.itch.io/
The Ape’s Wife by CaitlĆn R. Kiernan http://clarkesworldmagazine.com/kiernan_09_07/
The Arcade Review archives https://archive.org/search.php?query=creator%3A%22Arcade+Review%22
Some examples of Sonic Studies
The full list of 44 pieces being discussedĀ https://twitter.com/Benladen/status/854180037251129345
The patreon that made this episode possibleĀ https://patreon.com/benladen